Sunday I had the pleasure (immense!!) of giving a workshop on Design Thinking and agile practices, at Porto Digital, alongside very talented women. It is exciting to realize that we women are increasingly becoming protagonists of our own stories and gaining more and more space.
The objective was not to theorize about design thinking or agile, but to show, in practice, the methods used. There were 7 teams of 5 people each, each of which chose who would be the team's Product Owner and Scrum Master. Each technique was presented and put into practice, step by step. They learned about problem definition, brainwriting, brainstorming, Roman voting, conducted phone interviews, built an empathy map, defined the persona, created user stories and prioritized features, in short design sprints. At the end, they had 1 min to present their pitch.
There were some really cool solutions! Congratulations guys!
To the Hack Grrl girls, my gratitude for the invitation. To Porto Digital, my deep admiration for the partnership and support to women in this country.